Yes, you can have multiple shipping subscriptions on your account! Here's how:
- Sign up and select your first meal plan (just choose any meal card—you won't be charged yet) and complete the checkout process.
- Once you have made an account, head to your Meal Plan page.
- Click 'Add A New Plan' in red under your Meal Plan summary.
- Click 'Select' under the Meal Plan you'd like to add to your account. Allow the page to reload. Please note some shipping zip codes have two shipment day options and others have just one.
The deadline to add another subscription to your account is 11:59 PM Pacific on Thursday, prior to the week you want the additional meal plans to arrive.
If you need help setting this up or confirming your changes, please head over to
1 comment
On the phone none of the help article for cancelling is useful. Interface does not have links or navigation as described.
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