Unfortunately we are unable to further specify our tree nut allergy - if that allergen is selected, all tree nuts will be removed from your meals for you. If you are not allergic to all tree nuts, and want to receive certain Thistle items that you are able to eat, you'll need to remove the tree nut allergy from your meal plan settings, and then closely monitor/customize your deliveries week to week to only include items you aren't allergic to.
- On your Meal Plan page, you would click 'Edit' next to 'Allergies' and make sure no allergens are selected, and save. You can see how to customize your meal plan in this article.
- Then, make sure to review your upcoming deliveries and remove any upcoming meals that do contain the tree nut you are allergic to, since we won't do that automatically for you. You can see how to customize orders here.
- Clicking on the image of a meal will show you its ingredients.
If you have a question about substitute ingredients in an upcoming meal, please reach out to us at thistle.co/contact and we will find that information for you!
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