Some of our meals are spicy, yes. We offer meals that vary in spiciness. We also note 'Spicy' in the top left corner of the photos of our meals, determined by our culinary team. All Thistle nutritional information and ingredients for each meal served in a given week is available on our menu page here. If you click on the photo of a meal, you'll see the ingredients for that meal (so you can check for ingredients like chili flakes, cayenne, etc).
We are not able to adjust the spice level for meals at this time, but we encourage you to rate your meals each week here.
If you qualify for local delivery only*, you can make substitutions by hopping onto your account and heading to the “Upcoming Deliveries” page here. On the right side of each delivery day, you have the option to make a substitution by clicking "Customize This Delivery”. Make sure to save your changes all the way. Please note that you can only swap from the options listed, not from items offered on other delivery days.
*Shipping customers cannot customize deliveries at this time.
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